Utilising the power of the CHESS sub register, often cumbersome client onboarding and fund flow paperwork is replaced by an electronic messaging process similar to that of a stock transaction.
As an approved issuer of ASX Exchange traded Products and an ASX Settlement Participant, Chimaera’s infrastructure offers an automated mFund administration platform at a fraction of the cost of using the various service providers required for each function. Specifically, Chimaera can offer back office services including:
FundMandate™ uses a two part Product Disclosure Format designed for flexibility and repeatability when issuing multiple products. Regulatory aspects, governance and risk are covered in separate sections whilst product specific details comprising each investment option, complete each separately ASIC registered Managed Investment Scheme.
When combined with some or all of Chimaera’s Fund services, FundMandate™ offers Fund sponsors a low cost and flexible Managed Investment Scheme solution which is suitable for ASX mFund quotation.
Speak to us about white labelling solutions using our FundMandate™